Eventbrite registration is now open for the ESGLD Annual General Meeting on 25th of November 2021. This meeting will be held online using Zoom at 10am – 12 noon (UK Time)/11am – 1pm(CET). Please follow the link below once  registered you will receive the Zoom Meeting ID details on your registration email. If you have any problems at all please contact susannah.james@manchester.ac.uk and she will be able to pass on the Zoom details directly to you.


The ESGLD Board would like to invite Honorary Member proposals that can be discussed at the AGM. If you have a proposal for an Honorary Membership and another member will second your proposal then please forward to susannah.james@manchester.ac.uk, who will collate them for presentation at the AGM.

If you have any Agenda Items that you would like discussed at the AGM and another member who will second that proposal then please forward to susannah.james@manchester.ac.uk, who will add to the AGM Agenda which will be circulated before the meeting.

Zoom details will follow on your ticket when you register but please contact susannah.james@manchester.ac.uk with any queries.

Thank you for your continued collaboration and support,

Brian Bigger Chairman ESGLD chairman@ESGLD.org
Pim Pijnappel Treasurer ESGLD treasurer@ESGLD.org
Paul Saftig Secretary ESGLD secretary@ESGLD.org

Please email Chairman for website enquiries, Treasurer for payment enquiries and Secretary for new membership enquiries.